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Just my little To Do list of thigns I will get to eventually if I cant get someone else to do them first.







Currently working on ro:Constantin Brâncuşi en:Constantin Brancusi





Creat an article on us State Dept. annual report on terriorism possible name: Patterns of Global Terrorism. The actual reports in question are all public domain documetns to adding them to wikisource sounds like a good plan too. Need to find out more about the law or polocy that created these annual reports, and a bit more about their history. There are a number of re-directs that will need to lead here as well, as this is the offical list of terriorist orginizations as well for the USA.

Relavent Laws

  • Pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. The designations carry legal consequences:
    • It is unlawful to provide funds or other material support to a designated FTO.
    • Representatives and certain members of a designated FTO can be denied visas or excluded from the United States.
    • US financial institutions must block funds of designated FTOs and their agents and must report the blockage to the US Department of the Treasury.

This if from the Text of the law Sections 219, 303, 2339B