Welcome, bienvenido, Wilkommen, benvingut, bienvenue. I am a professor of modern languages in California. My Wikipedia participation concentrates on cleanup and copyediting, since my schedule permits only short visits to Wikipedia. I have written some smallish articles on Spanish authors of the twentieth century on whom I work in my professional life. These include at present
Quim Monzó (aside from the introduction a translation from the Catalan Wikipedia)
My first contribution was a shamelessly POV article on cooking wine--have pity, I was new, and cooking wine really is garbage. For Wikipedia purposes, though, my article was too; once the piranhas finished editing it, my Wikipedia education was really started.
If you have a language or literature related project in the works and want a hand, by all means leave a note on the Talk page. I have avoided the official lists, though, because my schedule can make me an unreliable collaborator.